Gain-More-Insight-Into-Sales-With-3-Types-Of-CRM-Reports | Blog | SquareHT


Gain More Insight Into Sales With 3 Types of CRM Reports

Every organization tries to analyze what worked in the closure of deals. This analysis brings in many questions:

Accurate numbers can help to answer these questions. As a Zoho CRM implementation partner, we help you with the three main types of Zoho CRM reports. These reports help you spot the factors that increase sales and thereby devise strategies to further boost the same.

  1. Time-Based Reports

A higher number of leads doesn’t always lead to increased sales. The key to successful conversion of leads is lead nurturing. As a result, the sales team needs to understand the lead nurture process.

Does your sales pipeline have any stagnant leads? How do you recognize these leads? How much time, salesforce, and effort is required to convert these into sales?

Timing is crucial in the process of lead conversion. You must know the value of your time and effort. Zoho CRM reports provide a detailed analysis of the lead nurturing cycle.

  1. People-Based Reports

When you have a suitable sales metric and relevant information to measure the performance of your sales rep, you can make better decisions. You know which sales executive is meeting targets and who requires training.

Zoho CRM provides such performance-based reports to help you measure the progress of every sales rep and evaluate the quality of services the customers receive.

  1. Revenue-Based Reports

What is the monthly revenue, and its source? Is a particular region or product line generating more than the other? Having such information helps to determine where your profit-generating customers are and their purchase life cycle.

With SquareHT, you get the best Zoho CRM implementation services for reports that let you measure the organization’s revenue and growth.

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